Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If I never lied, than maybe itd be the truth

Okay so I've offically become a local at the bar here at home. Thank god I'm leaving Monday. The bartenders know me, which is only good for free drinks. Luckily I haven't done anything embarassing there. Basically I spent all day in bed than did a short workout on the xbox kinect Zumba. Seriously whoever thought of that was a genius. I was sweating my non-existenet balls off after finishing the beginners workout. Basically you could say that I'm a hott mess from this break. I can't seem to get anything done and days after christmas Im still finding presents I havent given to people. Opps! I've been super bad about talking to people from School but I go back Monday so I figure once I'm back i'll be more in contact with everyone. Ah well off to the bar it is for me!
Lets say a little prayer for my tab tonight!


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